Our mission is to promote a legal system whereby the rights and privileges of all persons are asserted and protected. We are dedicated to strengthening public trust in our legal system. We promote high ethical standards, civility, and professionalism amongst all attorneys. We encourage our members to serve the public. As officers of the court, we have an important role in assisting courts in the administration of justice.
Aiden Tharp, Emerald Valley Law, LLC
Tyler T. Kongslien, Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin, S.C.
Ken J. Kucinski 2022-23
Jason Brasch 2021-22
Allyson Moore 2020-21
JB Lundeen 2019-20
Katie Christianson 2018-19
Kate Avoles 2017-18
Rory O’Sullivan 2016-17
Margaret Kaiser 2015-16
Bridget Finke 2014-15
Elizabeth Rohl 2013-14
Max Neuhaus 2012-13
Christine Rasmussen 2011-12
Joel Schlitz 2010-11
Angela Olson 2009-10
Bob Parsons 2008-09
Anne Schmiege 2007-08
Michelle Heckman 2006-07
Jason Fey 2005-06
Kenneth C. Pletcher 2004-05
Rose M. Allen 2003-04
Sheila J.B. Paul 2002-03
R. Michael Waterman 2001-02
Ronald Siler 2000-01
Daniel Murray 1999-2000
Liesl Nelson 1998-99
Jennifer O’Neill 1997-98
Lisa Wiebusch 1996-97
Matthew Biegert 1995-96
Robert Wertheimer 1994-95
Tim O’Brien 1993-94
Kevin Gehler 1992-93
Barry Lundeen 1991-92, 1990-91, 1989-90, 1988-89, 1987-88
Mark Gherty 1986-87, 1985-86, 1984-85
James Remington 1983-84, 1982-83, 1981-82
Donald Fast 1980-81
Terry Gherty 1979-80
Charles R. Ellefsen 1961
Charles E. White 1960
W.T. Doar Jr. 1959
Paul A. Magdanz 1958
Keith Rodli 2005
Charles White 2004
Ardell Skow 2003
Robert Richardson 2002
Robert Mudge 2001
James Drill 2000